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SD 3: Jackie Elward

Jackie Elward

Jackie Elward, a first generation immigrant from the Democratic Republic of Congo who has lived experience with the disease and devastation caused by bad environmental policies, has brought her energies to the North Bay, serving as an educator and labor organizer as well as City Council member (since 2020) and Mayor of Rohnert Park.

She also serves as a board member of Sonoma Clean Power (Sonoma County’s CCA), Sonoma County Continuum of Care (provider of homeless services), and North Bay Jobs with Justice. Jackie supports CA’s 2045 net zero goals and encourages their acceleration, prohibiting natural gas in new building construction, incentives to remove gas infrastructure during retrofits, and ensuring people in impacted sectors have every opportunity for gainful employment in a similar field for a just transition. She also prioritizes protection from climate impacts such as wildfire, extreme heat, drought, and increased flooding in the district.

Climate Action California believes Jackie can be counted on to fight the fossil fuel industry in Sacramento to reach a 100% renewable future as soon as possible.
